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ZiQi .
As simple as me, i love him and my friends. I may be crazy but I'm just being myself
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ZiQi Lee

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I ♥ Hello Kitty

well, today i should go and watch Transformer 2 with my classmates after our class.
but i didnt join them because my dear, wen min going back to US tomorrow.
If today i didnt meet her up, after 1 year only i can meet her d. i know i will miss her very much.
we planned to take our lunch at tao at autocity. so everyone left their stomach blank.
Unfortunately, tao is closed. We thought the lunch time until 4pm.
so we have to change our plan.
We went to aeon jusco. simply found a place and take our lunch because everyone were hungry except ms.weiling.
After our lunch, we went in jusco because wenmin wanna buy something to US.
OUR ms.ooiminyen was so excited la. she plays the vegetables there. But i also quite enjoy there.
That moment let me think back when we went to KL together during holidays.
I miss the moments when we at KL. But don't know when only we can gather together and go holiday d.
Oh ya! i finally bought a sandal for myself.

The chilis look so fake la! like toys.

She so happy to pose with vege~
She still can take vege and beat my babe.

I dont even know that jusco sell this also.

by ziqi_♥

Been Here @ 11:23 PM

I ♥ Hello Kitty

“我恨网络,我恨女人,可是我最恨的是我自己”关上了灯,我独自坐在书房里头…整个房间唯一的光线由计算机屏幕照射出来 …已经习惯了每晚十二点等他上线…也忘了什么时候养成的习惯 …他的SCREEN NAME叫”Midnight”…他总是固定在午夜十二点上网络 …我本身是个夜猫子,老是晚上不睡觉在网络上游走…他第一次送MESSAGE给我就是说那句…“我恨网络,我恨女人,可是我最恨的是我自己”这句话激起了我的兴趣…当时的我正感到无聊而不知做什么好…很顺手的就回了他话: ”那么恨自己,你不如自杀算了”本来想,他可能就此打着,不再说些奇怪的话…没想到不到一分钟他回我话:“说的对,所以我现在是个鬼”“哈,你现在做鬼快乐吗?”“我还是不快乐,因为我是自杀,所以无法投胎”“你是为爱自杀??哈哈”就这样,我跟MIDNIGHT做了网友…他是个以”鬼”自称的男人…他每天很准时的在计算机定时器打着”12:00AM”时上线…说实在的,我很惊奇这种现象,只好安慰自己那是巧合…不会真的有鬼上线跟我聊天吧?他没问过我外表如何这类的问题,一付他早就知道似的略过…有时他会故意吓我说他就在说身旁看着我…而当我带着玩笑口吻问他我正在做什么时…他会沉默了一会回答我:“算了,我不想把你吓坏”“别喝太多咖啡”“别坐的那么难看”有时候他会忽然冒出这些话…而MESSAGE传过来的同时…我都刚巧是喝着咖啡OR缩在椅子上...........他很自然的跟我聊着他”生前”的事…说到他如何为一个女人发狂,说他为何决定”自杀”…他二十三岁由网络认识了AMY…初次接触网络的他根本没有预料到网络的危险性…AMY在网络上的活泼让他无可自拔的爱上了她…AMY上网早有两年多了,很自然的充当起MIDNIGHT的老师…他感到AMY对他的亲切,而开始每次上网,都只为跟AMY说话 …他跟AMY交谈一段时期后,他大胆的要求AMY做他”网络老婆” …“做你网络老婆?有什么好处?”AMY调皮的问着“有我满满的爱给你”“爱?我多的是”“那.......你要什么都给你”MIDNIGHT深怕她不愿意,急起来居然什么都愿意献出“真的?你的命也给我?”“好...”MIDNIGHT想都没想,马上就答应…“嘻嘻,好吧~~~老公~~”虽然只是打字…MIDNIGHT的心头也足以心花怒放,仿佛AMY真的在他身旁轻唤他…后来的日子他每天沉醉在跟AMY网络上甜言密语中…渐渐他不再满足,他想见AMY本人,他想拥有实在的亲吻和拥抱…他开始苦求AMY让他见她一面,说说电话都好...........AMY怎么都不肯答应,反过来指责他要求太多…渐渐的AMY开始对他冷淡........打字间都可以感觉到不耐烦 …“你已经玩的太过火了,你没发觉到吗?”我毫不留情的指责他 …“有时候爱的感觉来时,你只是个无法思考的灵魂”他不以为然,理直气壮的回答我 …“这....算是个好借口吧”不愿跟他强辩下去,就算辩出个结果又如何??这不过是个早发生过的故事…就这样,每天午夜时段,他一定上线跟我说故事…有时我不认同他的做法,可是也少会为此跟他争辩再怎么说…这是他的伤心往事 …渐渐的,午夜上网成了我必做的工作,好比吃饭睡觉…他也总是一点一点的跟我叙述他的爱情故事....“你知道不开灯,对你眼睛不好吗?”“你又想说什么?想说你又正在看着我?”“我一直是看着你的,只是你不肯认清这事实”“....................” 我无言…有时连我自己都怀疑他在我身旁…虽有朋友告诉过我,鬼魂的磁场有时会跟网络的磁性相吸…而我却说什么也不相信,我会被鬼神找上,奇怪的是...我不怕他 …“你很特别...”“怎么说?”“因为你不怕我,or...也许是你根本不相信我是鬼”“是吧,你就当我根本不信你是鬼”完,我俩都无语…沉默了不算长的时候,却足以让我想不少事情…也许我真的是无神论者,也可能我不想看清事实吧 …早上是我补眠的大好时段,主要的课都排在下午跟晚上 …我不是个容易跟人相处的人,越是热闹的地方,我却越想钻回家里…也许因为这样,我朋友不是很多…而熟的朋友也早习惯我这沉默的毛病…今天我比往常提早到教室报到,好友CICI还没到…我独自挑了个偏僻的角落坐下…看着前头位子坐着一对男女,很明显的在互相打情骂俏 …我忽然想起了MIDNIGHT.....想起这个跟我每晚约会的男”鬼”,我开始幻想...如果我早在一年前认识他,他爱上的会不会是我.......“HEY,今天那么早来上课啊?”眼前亮出一人影,正是好友CI CI…她是个香港小妞,总是穿扮时髦的到学校…而我自己总是一件深色上衣,破牛仔裤的出现在校园…跟她成了很大的反比 …“是啊,在家没事做,就来学校啦”“今晚要不要跟我去PARTY??有帅哥喔!”CI CI总是想把我拉出去玩,她嫌我老是窝在家会出病…我笑了笑,说道:“你知道我不会跟你去的,就算去也是沉默坐在那,我不想扫你兴”CI CI是个大而化之的女生,也没什么不开心,继续跟我嘻嘻哈哈…虽然她算我最好的女朋友,可是我却从未跟他提起MIDNIGHT的事…我想.....MIDNIGHT是我心中最隐密的朋友.......也最重视的男子吧 …今天头重脚轻,我想我是病了…回到家后赶紧吃了颗药,想先在床上躺一下等会在上线跟MIDNIGHT聊天,迷迷糊糊的我就睡着了...虽然我睡着了,感觉上意智却很清楚....我感觉到一个男人穿门而入我房内....我想坐起,可是却怎么都起不来....我眼睛没睁开,可是我明白的看到一切事情...我想..我真的在做梦吧.....男人穿著蓝色睡衣....长的白净..却没有血色..他的眼光柔顺有神....我想任何女人都会为他而吸引…他在我床沿停下..伸出手抚摸着我的头发.......他接着轻抚我的面颊...说道:”真是不会照顾自己”接着我面前一片黑暗......我赶紧张开眼睛.....醒了过来…转身看看身旁的时钟....正指着12:10..........我跳下床,赶紧让自己接上网络…心理疑惑的想着,梦中人是真是幻??计算机接上线后,我的脑袋还是褂念着刚刚做的梦…面对着屏幕茫茫的想着那似幻还真的男人…如果那只是个梦,为什么我还清稀的记得他的长相?这时计算机屏幕起了变化…一个MESSAGE出现在画面上:”你真不会好好照顾自己”顿时我整个身体僵硬.....同样的话...他TYPE出跟那男人说的话一样…而MESSAGE的SENDER正是那我每个午夜交谈的”鬼MIDNIGHT..忘了该如何反应....我只能愣在桌前盯着那行字看......虽然我一直努力说服自己MIDNIGHT是跟我一样活生生的人…可是今晚发生的事,让我这些日子努力筑起的理由完全瓦解 …“唉.......自己一个人住要注重营养的”他也不在乎我没有回他话,继续打下这行话 …“你现在在那里?你在我的屋里,是不是?”打下这段连我自己都不感相信的MESSAGE…我想....这时的我无法再骗自己了 …“...........................”“你希望听到什么答案??”“我要听真话”“现在的你穿著一套淡紫色的睡衣,左下角边有个口袋,口袋上有个可爱的蝴蝶结,桌前放置着你最喜欢用来喝咖啡的杯子,可是里头没有咖啡,因为你才刚醒来,还来不急煮咖啡,可是我劝你今天最好别喝咖啡,因为你病了 ”“............”他一次打出了所有的描述,我的心脏却觉得有停止的感觉…我二话不说,连网络都还没有下线就匆促的关了计算机电源…飞也似的跳回床上被窝里.......他就在我身旁,他一定还在我身旁…不然他不会知道我的穿著,不然他不会那么熟悉我的习惯....也许,他一直由刚才就看着我做这一串愚蠢的行为…不知道在被窝了里发抖了多久…想到他也许还看着我就让我全身颤抖…渐渐的,我又睡着了,我想是感冒药的药力还在吧.......蒙蒙中,我再次看到他......他坐在床角,怜惜的看着我…接着景象越来越模糊,我沉沉的睡了....再次醒来后,我觉得全身发烫,我想我发烧了…我连坐起来都觉得虚弱,勉强自己走到厕所清洗自己…看到镜中的自己好憔悴,昨夜发生的事再次回到脑中…我想白天他应该不会出现吧,鬼魂听说都很怕光不是吗?胡乱的吞了些东西吃,准备煮咖啡喝…忽然想起他昨夜说的”最好不要喝咖啡,你现在病了...”我停止了手边的工作,开始回想昨夜我看到的那个男子面貌…如果他不是鬼....他倒是个讨人喜欢的男人....呸呸呸....赶快停止这可怕的想法,难到自己爱上个鬼吗?“爱个鬼?...”这是自己第一次对他用爱来形容...难道.......我在不知不觉中早就爱上他了???而不只是个听众?还是....我根本是为他那深邃的眼光所吸引?爱上个鬼?多么荒谬的情况…我开始回想他告诉我的故事,MIDNIGHT跟AMY的故事…就目前为止,他只说到他跟AMY发生隔合,AMY对他日渐冷淡…我开始发生疑问,AMY为何会拒绝如此俊秀又深情的男子?我有太多问题想问他,我开始迫切的想知道为何他选择自杀…想问他跟AMY到底出了什么事…也想知道为何他如此恨网络,恨女人却还留恋上网跟我说话…黑夜慢慢来临.....而我的心情却越夜越紧张…明明证实他是个鬼魂,但现在的我决定跟他打交道....11:50,我端正的坐在书桌前,准备连接上网.....开亮屋子所有的灯…再怎么大胆,我也不敢在跟鬼打交道时呆在个乌漆漆的屋子中…往门口看去,虽然知道再怎么专心,我也不可能见到他进来…可是却忍不住的一再向门口望着,仿佛他会随时走入我的屋内 …我要让他知道我是在等他,我准备好跟他继续做朋友...12:01,房子里静的只听到墙上的钟发出滴答声…他今天会来吗??会不会自己昨天的反应让他失望?....“妳怕我?你开亮了灯”他来了,我心里好开心,我有着一堆的问题要问他...“是吧...我想我有些怕你”我决定用说的,我没有回他MESSAGE…而是在这”应该”只有自己的房子内用颤抖的声音说出话…只为了再次确定他就在我身边...愚蠢吧?可是我还是存着一丝希望,是有人戏弄我 …“你之前不是那么怕我的....你让我有些失望”“当时我当你开玩笑,我怎么知道你真是鬼”我委屈的说着,音调中有些撒骄 …“现在你知道了,你还会继续跟我说话吗???”“嗯.........当然....我有好多事想问你”深呼吸,我在脑中整理着要问他的问题…第一个出现的问题就是有关AMY.“你还是很爱AMY吗??” 我需要知道这答案…我不希望知道自己是个一厢情愿的傻瓜…而他不过是无聊找个伴聊天..滴答,滴答,屋内一时又恢复沉默,屏幕上也没有他的回话…我想他也没预料到我这忽发的问题吧 …“我对她的感觉早在我生前就由爱转恨了”我心中稍微安心,最少我知道他心中AMY不是女主人“告诉我你跟AMY完整的故事,我想听”“她是个魔鬼...”“当我痴迷的爱上她时,她根本在另一个男人怀抱中”“跟我在线上调情...不过是她消磨时间的乐趣”“她根本把我当个玩具,左右我的感觉”我无语…看这他一段接一段的MESSAGE,我忽然觉得有些心痛 ....“你怎么发现这一切的??”“她住在旧金山...”“在我爱她快发狂的时候,我逼她跟我见面...”“我告诉她我会去见她,用任何方式我都要见到她”“奇迹的是她也答应我了”“见面的当天我好紧张,还不时的看自己是否穿的整齐”“等见到她本人时..我一眼就认出她,她跟照片上一样美艳..不,还要美”一直静静的看着MIDNIGHT打在屏幕上的字句…也许他根本不像我们一样双手打字,字幕出现的速度相当快…“我觉得你看起来还是很不舒服....去睡觉好吗?”“不,我还有一堆问题必须知道,我不要休息”我任性的喊着,我满腔的好奇,怎肯这样就罢手 …“你感觉得到吗??现在的我正抚摸着你的手”他忽然打上这句MESSAGE…我马上低头往双手看去,我感觉不到......可是我却可以想象一双男性的手正握着我“我担心你,我觉得你今天看起来气色更差....你想知道的事我一定会告诉你,你说,我哪晚没来?”虽然是字幕,我却可以由这句话感受到他的怜爱…我不再那么强硬,他说的对,来日方长 …“告诉我一件事,告诉我后我一定休息”我鼓起勇气,向他发出我一直想了好久的问题 …“为什么找上我?你对我是怎么样的一种感情??”“...........我看了妳好久..”“早在主动跟你聊天前就常来你屋里看你....”原来...我一直以来都不知道我屋里来了个鬼魂…而自己日常生活百态不都让他知道了...想到这,我不由的脸颊发烫...“哈哈...我知道你在想什么,放心,我没有那么下流”他似乎发觉到我的反应,我想现在的我脸一定很红…“这种行为是很不道德的!你不知道吗?”想转移思考的方向,我轻骂他的行为…“对我们灵魂来说....过的都是这样的生活,道德的约束起不了作用”“可是自从跟你说话以来,我只是固定时间来,不再看你隐私”“白天时段,你都在做什么??”“白天?我都跟我必须呆在我躯体所在的四方屋里,没办法像半夜般出来游走” 我眼睛为之一亮,躯体?四方屋里?等等???没人把你下葬吗??”“我的躯体还在医院.我想因为还在昏迷中,所以他们还不放弃吧?”他还活着??原来一直以来他都还活着,只不过他的灵魂出窍…也许他的情况就相当于植物人一样…躺在医院的是个没有灵魂的躯壳 …“你为什么不回去?你真的那么恨当人吗??”我不由的激动起来,想到他还有机会做人…想到我还是有可能让他真实的拥抱我…我的心情无可言喻的跟着跳动快速 …“可是.....回去后我就见不到你了....”“我担心对你的记忆都会消失.....”看到这段话,我心头又是窝心,又是心疼…原来我在他心中早占了一席之地…他为了我,也有着不少苦恼....知道自己并不是一厢情愿,而他也同样挂念着我…我觉得眼眶中有着泪水,正不受控制的流了下来我知道他看的到我现在的表情…可是我却无法再隐藏自己的心情......“不哭...不哭.我是不是说错什么?(正试着想擦去你的泪水)”看到这段话,我不由得发出笑声…现在的我是个笑着流泪的娃娃,正在被一个鬼魂安慰…而心中有的是满满的甜蜜欢愉…想象着他可能正手忙脚乱的想拭去我面颊上的泪珠 …“我要你抱着我,不是现在,我要你用真实的身子抱着我...”我坚定的告诉了他我的要求…“你要我回到我躯体里??”“对....”“你不怕我对你的一切记忆都消失吗?”我不由的有些担心.他会忘了我吗?“这....会发生吗??你会忘了我吗??”“不知道,看各人毅力,有的人会...有的人不会”我沉默的想了一会,这是个赌注…可是我真的不想因为自己而让他一直当个孤魂…而且就算他不回去,我俩也没有将来…最重要的是.....我好想抱抱他,亲亲他.“回去...我信你不会忘了我!我要你真实的走到我面前说你跟AMY之间的故事”说这些话时,我闭着双眼…也许我想试着感觉到他…也许是因为我刚为自己的决定感到担心…但又不愿让自己反悔,沉默良久…他是否也在跟内心挣扎我这样的要求是否太过任性?“我听你的”“我回去我的身体里,你要等我吗?”“当然会!一辈子我都等,就算你忘了我,我也等你有天想起我”我坚定的说着…但心理却无比痛苦,眼泪又不受控的滴了下来…想到有百分之五十的机会他会就此失踪,我心头就阵阵刺痛 …“....( 正轻吻着你的脸蛋)..答应我要好好的照顾你自己”“我走了....我会再来找你.........等我”时间一秒一秒的过去,SCREEN上不再出现MESSAGE…他走了,回到他那遗忘已久的人类躯壳内,只为了再世跟我续情缘...我呆滞的坐在椅子上,眼泪仿佛似流水般流出,停不下来…我告诉自己要牢牢记得他出现在我梦中的长相,随时他都有可能会出现…到时我一定要用最美的微笑迎接他 ..开始试着在人来人往的闹区中寻觅他…也许看到我他就会记起我们的爱情?我还是每个午夜十二点整上线,为的是给自己留一个梦…想着也许他会再次给我个MESSAGE....“妳瘦了很多ㄝ!”CI CI一边吃着汉堡一边专心的打量着我“是吗?? 可能是因为半年前那场大病吧”“说的也是,没想到个小感冒,引发性那么可怕”其实在MIDNIGHT走后没几天我感冒就好了…可是由于他的离去也同时让自己进入到朝思幕想的笼罩…整个人的气色还是那么差…而我也懒的跟CI CI解释,干脆说我还是病着…她像个单细胞人类,一直就傻傻的相信我............“你要多吃点,好好补回来啊”说着,她把自己那份薯条推到我面前,有时她傻傻的…但我也庆幸有这傻妞陪着我…不然我真找不出时间让我暂时忘了MIDNIGHT …和CI CI吃完午饭后,我们互相道别,去上不同的课…走在校内两旁满是枫树的小道内,枯红的枫叶散落道上…意识到秋天来了...而我的MIDNIGHT却还没有出现…忽而刮起一阵强风,手中的笔记散落一地,紧跟着捡起…没有这些重要笔记,我MIDTERM 将会很难过…忽见一人影跟着帮我捡起纸张,心里真的是好感激…他收起捡起笔记,走到还正手忙脚乱的我旁边…说道: ”你真不会好好照顾自己”心头一震,那声音低沉而感性…但最重要的不是这点,重要的是他说出MIDNGIHT说过的话.......我赶紧抬起头向他望去,真的是他…他比我印象中黑了些,健康了些…但脸孔正是我熟悉的他,而且比梦中的他更有朝气且高大…他跟着蹲了下来,靠着我的耳朵说着:“对不起!花了些时间复健,现在完全康复才赶来看你”我发现自己真的像个泪娃娃,这时泪水又在眼眶打转…他把我搀扶起来,用他的手轻抚着我的脸,笑着说道:“跟我想象的一样,你的脸摸起来好舒服喔”“让我重新跟你介绍自己吧”他伸出他的手在我面前:”HI,我叫JAMES”看着他的手,我伸出自己的小手握着…说道:”你好,我叫欣欣”他笑了,笑的模样像个天真的小男孩 …“欣欣,你愿意做我女朋友吗?”我点了点头…决定跟这个”陌生”男子交往…在那铺满红黄枯枫叶的小道上,他来到我面前…我俩第一次正式相遇......

by ziqi_♥

Been Here @ 11:15 PM

Monday, June 29, 2009

I ♥ Hello Kitty


by ziqi_♥

Been Here @ 7:35 PM

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I ♥ Hello Kitty

Ah ling, the girl who came back from UK.

I tried to go in the camera.

Minyen! my favourite.

I'm kacau-ing them to take photo & playing wendy's bag.

I hung wendy's bag on my neck. [such a hiao pose i did]

Our group photo, but less sizen due to she go back earlier.

They went to ask the waiter whether can help them wash plate or not.

She trying the drink with apple juice glass plus watermelon juice & Chocalate Island.

Sizen is the one who actually need to finished up the drinks.

We took photo with a unknown due to then game needed.

So long didnt take photos with them d.

Pikying, Evelyn and I.

Pikying, finally we taller than u.

Do you know what we were doing?

by ziqi_♥

Been Here @ 9:55 PM

Friday, June 26, 2009

I ♥ Hello Kitty

hi everyone! been 1 or 2 weeks i didnt update my blog because of my lazy-ness.
I had my CBE test yesterday for my T1 and T2.
I didnt study at all. Actually i plan to study 1week before the test. but I'm failed.
The day before the test, Our T1's lecturer gave us back our test given by her.
I get a unexpect marks. 36%! the lowest marks i get for my account!! i really sad.
luckily, I passed my T1 and T2 CBE test. i get 72% for my T1 and T2. same marks.
Took by Jason while i having my CBE test
We discussing while test.
The night before the test, i went out with all the hun mei friends.
They are all my babes. Our ms. wei ling come back from UK.
Imposible i didnt attend the gathering right??
I didnt see her for half year. miss her so much la.
She become prettier. We took a lot of photo and have fun together.
I love to be with them. I can do whatever i want.
We always support each other. Althought sometimes we have some arguement.
But the next minutes, we will be back to very best friends. I love hun mei!
Hun Mei, you are the best! The photos are in our ooi min yen's camera.
i will post it up, once i get the photo ya.
Oh ya, our miss wen min going back to US. Wen min, i will miss you. remember me ya.

by ziqi_♥

Been Here @ 12:05 PM

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I ♥ Hello Kitty


I went gp again with my jiun jiun and ah err.
Redbox again! We love redbox very much.
I can sing no matter what way I want and it's also a place that let me to express my feeling or mood out.

Ah err and I~

my jiun jiun!

After redbox, we went to Winter Warmers to take our lunch.
My dearest Jeff met us there after his class.

They thinking what to eat.

I'm the vain blogger!

After lunch, fetch bg and cj went to near PTSchool there eh field to take their cert.
Then we rush back to gp to watch movie.
We watched Night At The Musuem 2

It's a funny and nice movie.

We went home after movie because im tired plus not planned to out for long.

At night, I went near my house eh ko tai with my bro, my babe and his bro.

What the point we went there???

That is eat again lo!

by ziqi_♥

Been Here @ 11:45 AM

Friday, June 12, 2009

I ♥ Hello Kitty

erm. how to start the story leh??
That day after class, when gp with my classmates. again, 8 of us.
ms.foo, janice, jason, vincent, ong siang, mervyn, howard and I.
We planned to watch Monsters Vs Aliens 3D.
This movie was so attractive until the tickets were selling fast at 2hours before the movie show time.
When we wanted to buy the ticket that time, left 1st role only.
So, we changed to watch 17 Again. haha. I watched again~
Before we went to watch movie, we took our lunch at Breeks.
I learned a new way to call for waiter or waitress from our Jason ko.
That's Yo. I think i will use this way when i change to hip hop style.
During watching movie, our Jason ko hor, laugh until whole cinema can listen his voice la.
Luckily I'm not sit beside him. [sorry, jason]
After watched movie, we have no place to go.
I dont know who decided to go beach again. Since no place to go, I just follow.
We have fun at there. But i have to chase them to get back my sandal.
Guys always bully girls! haiz.
Janice more kesian. chase ka puasi pun cannot get back her slipper.
Then 7something me, ms foo and howard go back d.
Because howard cannot late go home and i also feel tired and hate to drive at night time.
reached home about 8.30pm.

Vain again.

ms.foo and me

ms. foo

by ziqi_♥

Been Here @ 10:29 PM

Friday, June 5, 2009

I ♥ Hello Kitty

Today already friday. my sem break still left 2days.
Before my sem break, i told myself i have to study because the test and exam is coming.
Although I'm free and boring, but i dont have the mood to study.
I tried to take out my books and read, but I'm failed.
That day, WenMin show something to us.
That is her hello kitty debit card from bank of american.
omg!!! so cute and nice lerr. Can I have one pls~
Lets show you guys how cute is the card.

cute right???

They have hello kitty's cheque also.

look fake right?but i like it.

Its a boring friday. i spend a lot of time to do my finger nails.

Haha. now my nails are so pink and hiong~ but i Love it.

by ziqi_♥

Been Here @ 4:49 PM

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I ♥ Hello Kitty

My love Jeff going to Singapore tonight, so i went out with him, his bro, and yang.
We went to Korean BBQ to have our brunch. That is our 1st time go in the restaurant.
The foods are quite nice, but the price is really very expensive.
After brunch, we headed to gurney for movie.
We planned to watch monsters vs aliens with 3D.
Unfortunately, the seats just left first two role.
So, we changed to watch 17 again.
The movie quite nice la and some of the parts are funny.

While I in the gurney, i went for few shops to looked for sandals.
But I'm failed. Don't have any sandals that i like.
Hope that i can find a sandal that i like as fast as posible.

by ziqi_♥

Been Here @ 4:12 PM

I ♥ Hello Kitty

Oh~ I'm so boring since my sem break. so i suggest howard to go penang hill.
actually i didn't suggest him for hiking. but just go up walk aroound and cycle. but they feel that is boring, so they decided to hike from youth park to penang hill. that is organise by howard. And 8 of us of joined-me, janice, ms.foo, ong siang, howard, mervyn, my son(vincent), and jason.
We faced a problem in the early morning, that is heavy rain. we haved to postpone it until 10am.
i be the driver and go air itam fetch ong siang,my son(vincent) and janice. then only we go youth park and met with others.
we were so excited and full of energy when we just start the journey.
but after a while only, i lost all the energy and started tired.
and i found something! janice's so full of energy and she will not tired~
omg, how she could did it???she even better than guys lerr.
See~we need to sit down and rest, but she walked around.
First, we reach number 3 hill, that time i still can continue the journey.

the view is nice and we rest at the station 3.

We continue the journey to number 5 hill. its harder and harder for us. but i still can continue it.
number 5 hill, i didnt realised that i'm in this photo.

we were rest, mervyn is like a doraemon because his bag got everything we need.
after one and a half hour, we reach number 84 hill. that time i was like bathing lerr.
whole body wet and my hair is wet until like washed my hair.

see, my face so chann.

The hardest want just wanna start!!! we started our tar road hiking.
that is the most torture part for me. my legs was so pain and keep on rest once we found some place to sit down.
Thanks to mervyn and Howard because accompany me and ms.foo to continue our tough journey.
Finally we finished our hiking journey. I think this is my first time also my last time for hike to penang hill.
Today is our ms.janice 18 birthday eve. so they decided to go the beach in the evening.
we went back our own house to take bath, then headed to mervyn's house which also is a restaurant.
we have our lunch or dinner there. after that, we went to beach.
jason, vincent, janice and I played jetskey. Janice fetched me.
Janice, you are so brave and I like it. before we played jetskey, i thought u scare of everything eh.
When we were playing, another four of them were hiding our shoes.
we spend 2hours on the beach but one and a half hour used for searched janice and my shoes.
but we cannot found it at the end. although i lost my shoes, but i really enjoy today.

i know i'm vain. so what??

before & after jetskey.

we were finding janice and my shoes.

we lost each side of shoe, so we replace it by mervyn's slippers.
by ziqi_♥

Been Here @ 12:04 AM